Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekend yang RAJIN :)

Salam semua....
Its been a while since i posted bout cooking. Actually, since the new school session started, my whole life routine have been transformed. From morning session to evening session. So, unlucky for my dearest husband, tak bekesempatan nak prepare dinner, since he insisted that we just dine out everyday. But still, since i got plenty of time in the morning, special breakfast will be served, together will bekal tau.... seronok je rasa when i tengok my husband menjinjit tupperware ke office... :)
Last sunday, i cooked him sumthing special. Actually husband dah lama teringin makan butter prawn, as for me, the dissapointment eating ayam gajus di beberapa restaurant... i decided, to cook both, together with sup ayam n kincam. Its my first attempt, relieved when my husbad loves it. I got the resepi from the internet :)

the resepi

the chicken n prawn
the chicken cashew
the butter prawn
ready.... together with sup ayam n kincam


  1. ni utk makan dua orang ke 3 orang?

  2. sedapnya inda...sup ayam tu cam sedap la...share recipe leh :)...and ayam gajus pun best...sedapnya!!!...bila la boleh smpi umah inda ni...

  3. uish.. yummmy nyer!!!!!! bikin nuurill lapar sekarang :)

  4. sedapnye inda...ayam gajus tu nampak menarik..share la resepi nye

  5. shidah, memang makan utk 3 org :) (dont get me wrong, my sis was staying over our house that weekend la)

  6. cd, resepi nanti i share, tapi tak susah pun, within 45mins dah ready
    plus, anytime you want to come, just bgtau k... tapi ye la, sepang ni macam huuuuujung selangor, takut tak sudi je...

  7. nurill, hope u dah tak lapar :)

  8. wanie, senang je. dice the chicken, gaul dgn garam n tepung jagung, then goreng rangup. gajus, goreng dgn butter. then tumis diced bawang putih,diced onions n ginger. later tambah sos cili, sos tomato, sos tiram,sayur2 the gaulkan dengan ayam tadi. finish by tabur dengan gajus tadi
