Salam semua...
As stated from my previous post, i was considering of replacing my old fridge. Sin ce wang yang terkumpul sudah mencukupi, malam tu jgk we went to Seng Hup, purchasing my new......

Toshiba Fridge [GR-RG73MDA]
So... introducing our new fridge
(mesti ada orang cakap, beli peti ais pun nak kecoh2, tapi gasaklah...)

it took me 5 months to purchase this

bahagian dalam. spacious

setelah diisi

comparing old and new
*my husband cakap.... hah, tidurla kat bawah dengan peti ais tu
(sebab.... i keep on hugging n tersengih2 masuk n keluar dapur, hehehe, jangan marah ye bang...)
Nadia, still remember wed abg pojie, when i couldn't make it to ikea? Well,the same evening, ikea hntr the furniture yang kami beli dr ikea.
The delivery service, bukan percuma ye.... i thought sepang, since its not that far from putrajaya, i thought the cost is the same, around 60-100 bucks. TETAPI sangkaanku meleset, "sepang outside klang valley and neighbourhood, so akak kena bayar rm220" Amek kau, tapi what to do, takkan nak mengankut naik kereta, berapa kali nak pusing2, then mana la muat kayu2 tu. So, i pay la, together with fee utk the workers pasang siap

pekerja sedang memasang

hasilnya, 2 rak kayu

2 rak besi

1 almari buku

office table
rak kayu, besi, digunakan untuk mengemaskini stor.
almari buku n meja office, kami gunakan untuk transformekan (ade ke this word) ruang menonton di atas kepada SOHO(small office/home office) senang sket buat kerja, plus my husband should be preparing for his exam somewhere in march.
i did mention dalam post terdahulu, bout one of my husband's organizing attitude. Seriously, he's the most organize person i've ever met, my whole life. More organized than my uni friend nadia (seriously, nadia mmg seorang yang sangat organized-trust me, her roommate for 3 years :p)
so, my husband memang tak suka sepah2 ni, so we spent the whole evening, menyusun atur dua stor kami. i'll attach the pics in my next post, since i rasa dah panjang sangat ni
As stated from my previous post, i was considering of replacing my old fridge. Sin ce wang yang terkumpul sudah mencukupi, malam tu jgk we went to Seng Hup, purchasing my new......

Toshiba Fridge [GR-RG73MDA]
So... introducing our new fridge
(mesti ada orang cakap, beli peti ais pun nak kecoh2, tapi gasaklah...)
it took me 5 months to purchase this
bahagian dalam. spacious
setelah diisi
comparing old and new
*my husband cakap.... hah, tidurla kat bawah dengan peti ais tu
(sebab.... i keep on hugging n tersengih2 masuk n keluar dapur, hehehe, jangan marah ye bang...)
Nadia, still remember wed abg pojie, when i couldn't make it to ikea? Well,the same evening, ikea hntr the furniture yang kami beli dr ikea.
The delivery service, bukan percuma ye.... i thought sepang, since its not that far from putrajaya, i thought the cost is the same, around 60-100 bucks. TETAPI sangkaanku meleset, "sepang outside klang valley and neighbourhood, so akak kena bayar rm220" Amek kau, tapi what to do, takkan nak mengankut naik kereta, berapa kali nak pusing2, then mana la muat kayu2 tu. So, i pay la, together with fee utk the workers pasang siap
pekerja sedang memasang
hasilnya, 2 rak kayu
2 rak besi
1 almari buku
office table
rak kayu, besi, digunakan untuk mengemaskini stor.
almari buku n meja office, kami gunakan untuk transformekan (ade ke this word) ruang menonton di atas kepada SOHO(small office/home office) senang sket buat kerja, plus my husband should be preparing for his exam somewhere in march.
i did mention dalam post terdahulu, bout one of my husband's organizing attitude. Seriously, he's the most organize person i've ever met, my whole life. More organized than my uni friend nadia (seriously, nadia mmg seorang yang sangat organized-trust me, her roommate for 3 years :p)
so, my husband memang tak suka sepah2 ni, so we spent the whole evening, menyusun atur dua stor kami. i'll attach the pics in my next post, since i rasa dah panjang sangat ni
ReplyDeletemmg borong habis ok! but i understand ur passion. kalau nadia ade rumah sendiri pun sure excited nak deco jugak. so kena simpan duit dr skarang ni..hihi.
hahaha, tergelak baca the organize part tu. sbbnya baru je kena tegur ngan my new partition parner. dia br sedar yg nadia punya meja sgt organize. what a coincidence..i guess it's to obvious kot :))
terbaek!!!...memang best tgk inda decorate ur own house. teruja sungguh nak shopping kat ikea juga. hehe.
ReplyDeleteur hubby's ayat mcm my dad punya ayat juga. kalau my mom or one of us beli barang baru mesti dia kan kata "mlm ni tido la peluk benda tu". ahaha.
nadia, memang kena simpan duit dari awai.... plus, for me peronally, bila dah habis duit, jangan tunjuk muka monyok in fron of ur hubby, nanti tak boleh shopping lagi...
ReplyDeletecd, masih banyak perlu dilakukan. memang selalu excited, when it comes to decorating ur own house.
ReplyDeleteinda memang loyal customer ikea rasanya... :)