Monday, January 18, 2010


p/s:you should be reading my previous post first
Salam semua, continue from my previous post,

From these....

to these....

kami telah transform ruang tamu atas, from this

to these...
yes...yes, i know. tak seberapa, but still, ni la hasil titik pelu kami. ni la syurga kami...
ada few plans to be excuted, tapi masih dalam perancangan, tunggu duit simpanan penuh balik...


  1. inda, ada lagi ni bau2 ikea tu :D

    i love doing make over too. hopefully the duit simpanan doesn't suffer that much should i move to a new place this year..

  2. shidah, bau memang SELALU ada, cuma sediakan uwangnya... :)
