Salam semua...
My husband gave me new laptop. Actually, its his but since he's been using it, for not even 1 1/2 years, plus the good maintainance he did, i considered it as new jugak... boleh? it's much more faster, lighter and stylish. No pic, rasa malas nak naik ke atas mengambil kamera and cable.
Anyway, laptop baru menimbulkan rasa nak tukar layout blog yang baru la, tapi macam malas pulak nak customize looking for something yang lebih cerah and ceria. This id due to a suggestion from a friend. Actually, come to think again, i sendiri tak pasti why i choosed green as the background layout since im not a big fan of green. Maybe sebab masa tu baru2 pindah rumah and my husband painted our bedroom green kot......
takpe, tunggu je...
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