Monday, September 14, 2009

Progress kuih raya...

Salam semua...
Alhamdulillah... last weekend, sunday to be specific, i managed to make 3 types of kuih raya. Two done, another one is waiting to be dip inside dark choc with white choc stripes... or will it be the other way around? hmmm.... takpe, still got some time to figure out. As for now:
Biskut Gajus
Choc chip
Biskut Hazelnut (later dip dlm choc)
For this time, still my cookies jenis simple2 cara pembuatannya, tak perlu diterap2, since i lost my pencanai n masih belum beli.. hehehe terlupa ;p
im planning to do 2 jenis lagi, one is my fav: cornflake. im trying to seek for cornflake yang sama macam one of my secondary school buat. Wani, my close friend masa di mrsm make the best cornflake for me. a simple one, semua atas dapur je, no need bakar2. i la tukang habiskan kalau wani bawak after cuti raya. ada kelapa parut, some nut.... yummy!!!!


  1. cornflakes madu kah? i used to bring to hostel after raya too, still remember?

  2. rajin inda buat biskut raya..tahun ni wanie tak buat biskut pun...tak larat pulak rasa nye..semua beli je..

    biskut cornflakes wanie ke tu?hehehe...resepi mak wnaie...wanie pun dah lama tak buat cornflakes tu...hehehe...

  3. best2..nak tunggu kemunculan 2 lagi biskut inda ;)

  4. Banyaknyer kuih inda buat!! kagum izu...:)
    Inda n husband, jmpt dtg ke open house aka bday zahin pd hr sabtu, 26hb sept k...klu bole dtg nti izu bg add ok?:)
