Salam semua,
Boleh tak kalau nak iklan sket? Today is my birthday... Dah tua dah. im 28 years old now, hehehe. Thanks untuk semua yang wish. Thanks to my family. Present from my family: "Kasih sayang yang takkkkk terhingga..." tu trademark family kami, hadiah save budget ;p
As for my husband, i was suprised when he handed me something last night. Why? Sbb before, when we went shopping raya at sogo, he bought me 3 Ascent blouses (Ascent is one of my fav brand) which he said will be my birthday present (since it cost him almost 400). So, i wasn't hopping for anything more from him.
The kronologi:
At around 9++, my husband said he's going out to 7-eleven, which is only 5mins from our house................... i waited......................and waited.................and waited, i was even thinking, ke mana la abang ni... it did came across my mind... abang ada nak buat sumthing for my b'day ke? but hen, i said no la, because i know, he's not the "suprise' kind of person.
sampai la pukul 10++, baru la balik suamiku itu. when i was trying to open the grill, i saw glimpses of plastic bags he's hlding. And, so romantic my husband, he handed a box of cake (small slice actually, since there's only two of us), and a plastic bag.i got a new handphone... yeay!!!!! , both was given in front of the grill...
later i tell bout handphone baru n a special wish from my best friend

Boleh tak kalau nak iklan sket? Today is my birthday... Dah tua dah. im 28 years old now, hehehe. Thanks untuk semua yang wish. Thanks to my family. Present from my family: "Kasih sayang yang takkkkk terhingga..." tu trademark family kami, hadiah save budget ;p
As for my husband, i was suprised when he handed me something last night. Why? Sbb before, when we went shopping raya at sogo, he bought me 3 Ascent blouses (Ascent is one of my fav brand) which he said will be my birthday present (since it cost him almost 400). So, i wasn't hopping for anything more from him.
The kronologi:
At around 9++, my husband said he's going out to 7-eleven, which is only 5mins from our house................... i waited......................and waited.................and waited, i was even thinking, ke mana la abang ni... it did came across my mind... abang ada nak buat sumthing for my b'day ke? but hen, i said no la, because i know, he's not the "suprise' kind of person.
sampai la pukul 10++, baru la balik suamiku itu. when i was trying to open the grill, i saw glimpses of plastic bags he's hlding. And, so romantic my husband, he handed a box of cake (small slice actually, since there's only two of us), and a plastic bag.i got a new handphone... yeay!!!!! , both was given in front of the grill...
later i tell bout handphone baru n a special wish from my best friend
my fav choc+banana cake from secret receipe
sekarang i dah boleh mms n everuthing ( i memang kampung sket when it comes to all the gadgets)
beshnyer!!! :)
ReplyDeletehappy birthday inda..semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki..
ReplyDeleteromatik jugak ye fairuz nye dapat hp
wah! best!!!! happy birthday inda ;)
ReplyDeleteinda g sogo bila?
haish..asyik g tmpat sama tapi x jumpa2 kita..hehe
wani g sogo gak hari g kejap je..ramai sgt org..pastu g 1 utama lak..hihiiiii....
bestnya surprise!!!...hehe...
ReplyDeletenadia~ thank you, memang best sebab unexpected
ReplyDeletewani~ fairuz seorang yang unexpected. kadang2 memang terserlah juga sikap romantiknya tu... ;p
ReplyDeletewanie~ next time, bila kita nak jalan2, kita calling2, baru boleh jumpa. xpe, nnt inda buat housewarming, datang jumpa kat rumah je ye...
ReplyDeletec'dee~suprise, memang la best ;p
ReplyDeletehappy bday inda! :) ~azah