Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Satu kisah HOT...
Macam selalu, today I started my car at 6.45 am, switch on the aircond, then the radio. I suka tukar2 radio station, cari yang mana ada cerita menarik pagi2. I tuned into Hot FM. Macam yang semua orang tahu, Hot Fm ada satu segmen called Panggilan Hangit. And tentu for those who listened morning tadi, tentu ingat panggilan hangit pagi tadi.
It was a request from a husband, to her wife; issue: the husband nak berpoligami. Actually, this was last week punya panggilan hangit, before faizal sempat explain to the wife, she hung up. He tried calling back, but the wife refused to pick up, until faizal call the husband, suruh dia pujuk his wife. So today, faizal replay the last week conversation, then he gave her another call, for further comment.
Do you know why she hung up in the first place?, its because, it was actually not a JOKE punya PANGGILAN HANGIT, its for real. The husband memang ada intention untuk berpoligami.
By listening to the replay of last week conversation, listening to the wife punya suara, rasa sedih sangat, I even cried (hmmm… I memang emosional cerita2 mcm ni). Suaranya slow, bergetar and banyak kali she paused during the conversation, nak mengawal emosinya agaknya. She was upset, for few reasons. 1st- the husband tak jelaskan benar2 kenapa he was having another relationship with another women. 2nd – as a courtesy, the wife requested that the husband buat satu perjumpaan, mereka bertiga, tiga pasang mata bertemu untuk berbincang, tapi suaminya tak buat. She said, “ Kalau caranya betul, mungkin saya boleh terima kenyataan ini, tapi saya tak kenal siapa perempuan tu, macam mana saya nak berkongsi hidup dengannya. Macam mana nasib saya dan anak2 saya? Kebajikan kami?” (and this moment, memang airmataku laju je mencurah2. 3rd – nothing can be said, to express how she felt, with the fact that her husband is in love with another women.
So, pagi tadi, ada banyak sangat people yang call, yang sms, masing2 meluahkan pandangan masing2. Actually, I tried too, but the line was busy. What I was planning to say is…
“ Bagaimana seorang lelaki yang sungguh gentlemen, yang datang berjumpa keluarga kita, asking for permission to marry us, yang menyambut tangan tok kadi, beserta akad serta sumpahnya untuk menjaga, menyayangi kita, yang mencium ubun2 kepala saat membatalkan air sembahyang, yang bertahun2 telah kita sama2 harungi susah dan senang, berkongsi hidup, masalah dan cerita, how can dia anggap benda ini sesuatu yang tidak serius, boleh diperlekehkan, on air pulak tu”… Sampai hati dia
Actually, itu yang buat saya sedih. Don’t get me wrong, its not that im facing the same prob, maklumlah, lain macam je komen kan… hehehe I sekadar menjiwai keperitan yang dilalui oleh wanita tersebut (im actually good at that)
The DJ managed to talk to the husband, on air pagi tadi. And he said, akan teruskan rancangannya. And I can still remember the last sentence from the husband, “ Whatever it is, I takkan tinggalkan awak, I akan jaga kebajikan awak. And sayang, I love you”.
Hmmmm ye lah tu……. Sayang ke macam tu? Sampai hati.
Right after that, faizal putarkan lagu Ungu, Demi Waktu. Timing memang baaaeeeekkkk punya. I did cry, again. Lirik lagunya, if its being heard carefully, memang menusuk kalbu and if im that wife, memang kena sangat lagu ni. I don’t think im that strong, Tuhan Maha Mengetahui. Hopefully, ini cerita yang I akan dengar sahaja, never would I like to experience it myself.. I hope my husband is not reading this, I know he don’t, cause if he did....
"Kan i dah kata, stop reading all these novels, no more carekarama, no more drama, no more Nur Kasih, Semua ni merosakkan fikiran you, pikir yang bukan2. After this, only cerita perang and discovery channel je for you"
Ye... i know my husband, itula dialog yang bakal suamiku utarakan....
So friends... ada komen?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Currently, its 11pm, and im lying on my bed, trying my best to keep awake while waiting for the return of my husband. Im watching The Proposal, kinda intresting, hopefully i tak tertidur ;p
Im so overwhelmed by all the comments left by my friends, regarding my last post. Thanks a lot, at least, i know, there are people out there, cares for me. And to wanie, tak sangka you went through the same experience. You are lucky, dah ada damia.
Frankly, masa2 sendirian macam ni la terasa sangat S.E.P.I, when my husband is not around. Sejujurnya, im so lucky to have him by my side know... i know, everyone will say the same bout their husband. But seriously, im lucky sebab dikurniakan dengan seorang lelaki yang dapat megisi setiap masa2 kami berdua sepenuhnya, buat segalanya terisi. Seorang lelaki yang ada great sense of humor, suka mengusik, pandai menceriakan suasana, knows everything that should be said, should be done. Setiap masa bersamanya, rasa tak kosong, tak sunyi, ceria. Kadang2, rasa macam manis baru2 berkawin. Actually, until now, i masih teruja everytime dapat sms dari -My Love-, masih tersenyum everytime received call from -My Love- walaupun as simple as, "Dah sampai rumah" or "Malam you masak apa?" Walaupun, kadang2 ada masanya, bila anginnya 'lain macam', Tuhan je yang tahu. Kalau ada orang kata orang lelaki tak pandai membebel, well... think again, my husband memang ada kepakaran dalam bidang itu.
It has been 2 years++ we got married, kami masih berdua. Sabarnya la suamiku ini... Sejujurnya, deep inside my heart, i pity my husband, Kesian abang... I know he wants zuriat, just as bad as i am. Sabarnya abang menenangkan isterinya yang asyik menangis setiap kali period... Sabarnya abang everytime calm je bila terima berita kawan2 yang baru dapat baby... Sabarnya abang.... Despite all that, kenapa la kadang2 i suka sangat buat perangai yang akan menyebabkan him upset? Susah ke nak jaga hati suami sendiri? Jawapannya ... Tak!!! Susah ke nak buat sesuatu yang menyenangkan hati suami sendiri? Jawapannya ... Tak!!! Alahai... sulitnya. Macam mana nak ubah sikap keras kepala ni ye, macam mana nak sentiasa positifkan diri... Its just me.
Friends who knew me back then, mesti ingat betapa gilanya i mengumpul majalah Mingguan Wanita, i have a lot of them, never miss a single keluaran. Plus, i lurve to read malay novels. And usually, jalan2 ceritanya kadang2 terbawa2 dalam kehidupan seharian. I quit Mingguan Wanita, thanks to my husband who calls it MAJALAH LUCAH, hehehe... tak percaya? Go to the nearest shop, belek front page of the mag, tgh apa tajuk2 yang dihighlightkan. ;p
Novel je yang susah nak berhenti. Husband said, all the dramas, novels yang i baca, sometime bothers me, terbawak2 pulak, kadang2 masa tgk drama bout husband main kayu tiga la, kawin lain la... tak pasal2 husband sendiri yang tak tahu apa2, yang not even watching, yang kena marah.
Cerita dah tak berkaitan from one para to another, i think i better stop now. Again, tq kepada kawan2 yang memberikan semangat. Jangan risau, we'll NEVER STOP trying ;p
Thursday, October 22, 2009
An update...
I just realized that it has been quite sometime i tak post new news. Actually ada banyak sangat cerita, kadang2 sambil2 membasuh, masak etc, ada je ayat2 yang terlintas, but then, every time on je comp, dah lewat, mata pun dah layu. End up reading friend's blogs ;p
So, since my husband is not around, i have plenty of time to update my blog :)
This post sepatutnya been posted on 20th of Oct, tapi that night, 9.30 my husband dah ajak tidur, terbantut semuanya ;p ok, here it goes. and please, could you just imagine that its 20th Oct, can ye...
20th October 2009
At 7.30pm, while we were having our dinner, my husband just popped up a question.
My husband: Yang, do you remember what day is today?
Me : hmmmm... hari apa (inside, i was truing soooo hard to remember what kind of anniversary yang i terlupa, though i never did)
My husband: On this day, last year, i went to Japan.
So, there i was, thinking a lot of things... This date actually reminded me of few important things...
- My husband went to Japan, for two months, and actually, before 20th, he was not around for three weeks since he was quarantine di Pusat Rakan Muda Puchong, luckily sepang-puchong took only about 30 mins, so for three weeks, i went to see him di puchong. Usually, i bring dinner, kami makan sama2. Even during that three weeks, it was soo tough, seeing him, when you know he will be away soon, really kills me. Dunno why, but emotionally, i was soo weak. Bila jumpa je, mesti rasa nak nangis. Really not me... I still remember, one particular evening, i brought kuehtiow goreng+telur mata kerbau (his fav), bila nak makan, abanf tiup kuehtiow tu, sebelum suap dalam mulut. I saw it few times, before i decided to ask him the purpose. "Kenapa abang tiup? kan dah sejuk, i bawak dari rumah". His answer made me crying so bad. He said " I macam teringat tengah makan di rumah". Hehe, sekarang bila ingat balik pun rasa sedih. I know that time, i have to be strong, stronger when he's not around, tapi emosi macam tak boleh dikawal, bercampu baur. I did realized, ada few times, mata my husband pun berkaca2, macam nak nangis pun ada. That time, i realized, dia tersepit antara kerjaya n leaving me alone, and that time also, i realized, abang memang sayangkan i...
- 20th Oct 2008, all the unstable emotions, cenggeng and perasaan yang bercampur baur tu was explained by a simple UPT test, i was pregnant!!! I had a hunch that morning, before meeting my husband at the airport, i took one UPT yang memang dalam simpanan, check and the, double line :) lupa sekejap perasaan sedih. So i went to KLIA, saw him and moments before he boarded the plane, i handed him a box, containing the UPT result (basuh2 sket la...). He was puzzled at first, but after a simple explaination, he hugged me closely, he was soo happy. I know i am.
- Mungkin Tuhan berikan berita gembira, untuk menutu satu kesedihan. Di saat i was soo depressed, Tuhan berikan satu keajaiban, to make me stronger.
- Whenever we had the chance o talk, sms or skype, abang mesti tanya pasal baby. Antara ayat2 yang tak boleh lupa, "Tak sabar nak balik, nanti nak usap2 perut you", I rindu sangat dengan you, rindu kari you, tak sabar nak tengok baby". Being alone, handling few big responsibilities di saat2 yang kritikal begini, memang susah, ihad to travek sometime, ipof to sepang to sabak bernam, plus i gantikan kawan jaga exam SPM causes me to lose the baby. A month after my husband left, i had another miscarriage. Sebenarnya, nak beritahu my husband pun rasa berat je. I was risau, sebab takut dia terganggu. So i kept it a secret for few days before telling him. I know he is sad, not only because hilangnya bakal zuriatnya, also because he was not there for me, taking care of me. When i first had a miscarriage, abang la orang yang tolong jerangkan air panas untuk bertungku, and etc.
But anyway, mungkin bukan rezeki kami. Ada banyak sebab kenapa ini berlaku, dan sebagai hambaNya, kami hanya mampu berserah, mungkin belum tiba giliran kami.
Thats all for now, suddenly rasa sedih pulak, teringatkan cerita tahun lepas
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A Tribute...
- My dearest husband who worked very hard days and night, so that our future will be as bright as sunshine. I hargai seluruh kasih sayang yang abang berikan. Thanks for the house, the kitchen cabinet, the patience you have, dealing with me ;p Thank you abang, i love you sooo much!!!!
- My parents who came all the way from Ipoh with baked macaroni, home made moist choc cake, rendang pedas ayam, pulut panggang and bahulu kemboja. Luv you guys soooo much. I know both my parents are happy and proud i think sebab at early age (28 muda lagi ke...), we managed to come this far
- My adik2. I was lucky to have them as my siblings. I was soo busy entertaining all the guests, the make sure that everything run smoothly. Thank you kak ngah, abang iq, yon, iqah, mimi and umi. Saaaaaaayyyyyaaaang korang
- To all of my friends who came. Some came all the way from bangsar. Kak siti, kak has, nadia, shidah (sori, tak sempat sembang panjang2). Really appreciated kesudian kalian hadir
- Guests yang datang dengan present. Hehehe, we got blender, rice cooker, alas meja, alas pinggan, hamper,lampu meja, lampu porch (i aimed this special lamp masa kat nilai, but then too expensive, tak jadi beli. but then rezeki...) just naming few
We were overwhelmed by the amount of guests showed up last Saturday, 3rd oct. first guest arrived at 1 pm (though it actually should started after asar), disambut oleh my husband yang hanya berseluar pendek + berpeluh2 sebab baru lepas menyusun meja and me yang begitu selekeh dengan track and t-shirt yang penuh dengan tepung ;p. Dah la staff my husband. And the last guest left at around 2 am.
Penat? meeeeeemmmmmang peeeeeeenaaaaat sangat. Quoted from my husband, if only you can cabut kaki and gantung, memang kami buat. Memang penat betul. Almost 500 guests showed up. My mum said, dah macam kenduri kawin. Penat memang penat but then, sangat menghargai kehadiran tetamu semua. Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!
Dalam kesibukan melayan tetamu, baru ku perasan takde sekeping gambar pun dalam simpananku... later, paw dari adik2, i'll